Category controller

The Category controller is one of the main controllers. Others for example are Product, Manufacturer, Customer, CustomerOrder etc. You can find them in data models.


You can read more about the request flow here: Fundamentals

The implementation of the Category controller in the example contains all basic methods that can be called:

  • statistic
  • pull
  • push
  • delete


We decided to use UUID’s for creating ids in the (example) shop inside the example connector. However, it depends on the platform you want to connect with JTL-Wawi what type of ids are present. Please also see how the Primary key mapper works.

Here is a json payload example, that you can send to the endpoint (e.g. by using the connector tester) for creating a new category with two translations:

    "attributes": [],
    "customerGroups": [],
    "i18ns": [
        "categoryId": [
        "languageISO": "ger",
        "name": "Katalog #1",
        "description": "",
        "urlPath": "",
        "metaDescription": "",
        "titleTag": "",
        "metaKeywords": ""
        "categoryId": [
        "languageISO": "eng",
        "name": "Catalogue #1",
        "description": "",
        "urlPath": "",
        "metaDescription": "",
        "titleTag": "",
        "metaKeywords": ""
    "invisibilities": [],
    "level": 0,
    "entityType": "Category",
    "id": [
    "parentCategoryId": [
    "isActive": true,
    "sort": 0

AbstractController.php file


namespace Jtl\Connector\Example\Controller;

use PDO;

 * Abstract controller class to pass the database object only once.
 * Class AbstractController
 * @package Jtl\Connector\Example\Controller
abstract class AbstractController
     * @var PDO
    protected $pdo;

     * Using direct dependencies for better testing and easier use with a DI container.
     * AbstractController constructor.
     * @param PDO $pdo
    public function __construct(PDO $pdo)
        $this->pdo = $pdo;

CategoryController.php file


namespace Jtl\Connector\Example\Controller;

use Jtl\Connector\Core\Controller\DeleteInterface;
use Jtl\Connector\Core\Controller\PullInterface;
use Jtl\Connector\Core\Controller\PushInterface;
use Jtl\Connector\Core\Controller\StatisticInterface;
use Jtl\Connector\Core\Definition\IdentityType;
use Jtl\Connector\Core\Model\AbstractDataModel;
use Jtl\Connector\Core\Model\Category;
use Jtl\Connector\Core\Model\CategoryI18n;
use Jtl\Connector\Core\Model\Identity;
use Jtl\Connector\Core\Model\QueryFilter;
use Ramsey\Uuid\Uuid;

 * Creating the controller for the entity that the controller should support using the method interfaced to define supported methods
 * Class CategoryController
 * @package Jtl\Connector\Example\Controller
class CategoryController extends AbstractController implements PullInterface, PushInterface, StatisticInterface, DeleteInterface
     * @param AbstractDataModel $model
     * @return AbstractDataModel
    public function delete(AbstractDataModel $model): AbstractDataModel
        /** @var $model Category */
        if (!empty($categoryId = $model->getId()->getEndpoint())) {
            $statement = $this->pdo->prepare("DELETE FROM categories WHERE id = ?");

        return $model;

     * @param AbstractDataModel $model
     * @return AbstractDataModel
    public function push(AbstractDataModel $model): AbstractDataModel
        /** @var Category $model */
        $endpointId = $model->getId()->getEndpoint();

        if (empty($endpointId)) {
            $endpointId = Uuid::uuid4()->getHex()->toString();

        $query = "INSERT INTO categories (id, parent_id, status) VALUES (?, ?, ?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE status = ?, parent_id = ?";

        $params = [
            $parentId = $model->getParentCategoryId()->getEndpoint() === '' ? null : $model->getParentCategoryId()->getEndpoint(),
            $status = (int)$model->getIsActive(),

        $statement = $this->pdo->prepare($query);

        foreach ($model->getI18ns() as $i18n) {
            $statement = $this->pdo->prepare(
                "INSERT INTO category_translations (category_id, name, description, title_tag, meta_description, meta_keywords, language_iso) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
                           ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE name = ?, description = ?, title_tag = ? , meta_description = ?, meta_keywords = ?");


        return $model;

     * @inheritDoc
    public function pull(QueryFilter $queryFilter): array
        $return = [];

        $statement = $this->pdo->prepare("
            SELECT id as id, parent_id as parent_id, status FROM categories c
            LEFT JOIN mapping m ON = m.endpoint
            WHERE IS NULL OR m.type != ?


        $categories = $statement->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

        foreach ($categories as $category) {
            $return[] = $this->createJtlCategory($category);

        return $return;

     * @param QueryFilter $queryFilter
     * @return int
    public function statistic(QueryFilter $queryFilter): int
        $statement = $this->pdo->prepare("
            SELECT * FROM categories c
            LEFT JOIN mapping m ON = m.endpoint
            WHERE IS NULL OR m.type != ?

        return $statement->rowCount();

     * @param array $category
     * @return Category
    protected function createJtlCategory(array $category): Category
        $jtlCategory = (new Category)
            ->setId(new Identity($category['id']))
            ->setParentCategoryId(new Identity($category['parent_id'] ?? ''));

        $statement = $this->pdo->prepare("
            SELECT * FROM category_translations t
            LEFT JOIN categories c ON = t.category_id
            WHERE = ?
        $i18ns = $statement->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

        foreach ($i18ns as $i18n) {

        return $jtlCategory;

     * @param array $i18n
     * @return CategoryI18n
    protected function createJtlCategoryI18n(array $i18n): CategoryI18n
        return (new CategoryI18n())
            ->setDescription($i18n["description"] ?? "")
            ->setTitleTag($i18n["title_tag"] ?? "")
            ->setMetaDescription($i18n["meta_description"] ?? "")
            ->setMetaKeywords($i18n["meta_keywords"] ?? "")
            ->setLanguageIso($i18n["language_iso"] ?? "");