
Starting point of each endpoint is the application, which is an instance of the class Jtl\Connector\Core\Application\Application. The application has three constructor arguments:

  • string $connectorDir - root path to endpoint

  • Noodlehaus\ConfigInterface $config - (optional) config object for use in core and endpoint

  • Jtl\Connector\Core\Config\ConfigSchema $configSchema - (optional) definition of what config object should have to be valid.


    More details about the config schema can be found in the configuration chapter.

A connector related request can be properly served by calling the run method from the application. Required argument is an instance of a class which implements the Jtl\Connector\Core\Connector\ConnectorInterface interface. The connector implementation provides required data about the endpoint.


Overriding defaults

The application provides some methods to replace the default used instances:

  • setSessionHandler - by default the Jtl\Connector\Core\Session\SqliteSessionHandler is used but it can be replaced by another handler. A Symfony session handler could be used for instance.


    If you want to use a Symfony session handler, then you can create an anonymous class which implements the Jtl\Connector\Core\Session\SessionHandlerInterface interface and extends the session handler class.

    $application->setSessionHandler(new class($pdoOrDsn) implements SessionHandlerInterface extends PdoSessionHandler);
  • setErrorHandler - by default an instance of Jtl\Connector\Core\Error\ErrorHandler is set. It can be replaced by another handler which extends Jtl\Connector\Core\Error\AbstractErrorHandler.

  • registerController - if you want to register a controller which does not match the default controller name pattern (or any other reason). You can check the constants defined in the class Jtl\Connector\Core\Definition\Controller for all valid controller names in the Core.


Please keep in mind that changing the default behaviour of the core requires some advanced knowledge about how the core works.

The application is using a DI container for handling objects and dependencies internally. Because of this, it is possible to override most of code functionalities by your own objects.

Request handling

Incoming requests are handled by the application in the handleRequest method by default. It should contain all required logic to process the request.

If the handleRequest method does not match the requirements for your endpoint, it is also possible to handle the request directly in the endpoint. In order to achieve this, the connector class from the endpoint must implement the Jtl\Connector\Core\Connector\HandleRequestInterface interface.

Subscribers (I/O data manipulations)

We are using some data manipulators to change the input and output data in the Core. In this case the data manipulations are related to the de-/serialization of JSON requests and responses.


If you want to know more about handlers and subscribers, please take a look at jms/serializer.

In the Jtl\Connector\Core\Serializer\SerializerBuilder class are some events subscribed and handlers added, for being able to properly de-/serializing the Core models. All manipulations are adapted to the current models so there is no need to modify model properties by your own.

For instance the subscriber Jtl\Connector\Core\Serializer\Subscriber\LanguageIsoSubscriber is responsible for converting the language ISO standard from ISO-639-2/B to ISO-639-1 and vice versa.

All translatable core models own a property called languageIso (ISO-639-1). Before a translatable model will be send to JTL-Wawi the languageIso property must be transformed into languageISO (ISO-639-2/B), because it is standard in JTL-Connector.

The subscriber transforms the language property for de-/serialization, so connector developers do not need to take care about.