JTL-Connector Documentation


This documentation is still work in progress and can and will change quite frequently. You are encouraged to visit this page often to keep up with the most recent changes.

Connector Welcome Page

JTL-Connector is a modern interface between a platform and the JTL-Wawi ERP software.


This documentation assumes you have a working knowledge of PHP, Composer and Git. You should be familiar with object-oriented PHP code and especially the use of namespaces and basic OOP principles.

The book

The developer’s guide to leverage the flexibility of JTL-Connector.


Frequently used technical terms in our application environment.

Example Connector

Get started by learning step by step how to write a connector implementation from scratch.


Plugins offer developers an easy way of adapting and extending an endpoint.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

A list of the most frequently asked questions regarding the development with JTL-Connector.