
The location of a newly created plugin is inside the plugins folder of the connector’s root directory. The namespace of the plugins classes is based on PSR-0 equal to the folder path. For this example we created a simple plugin that attaches a suffix to every category name.

Example plugin in connector directory structure

├── config
├── plugins
│   └── DemoPlugin
│       └── Bootstrap.php
├── src
├── other
├── directories
├── var
└── vendor


The following class is placed in {connector_dir}/plugins/DemoPlugin/Bootstrap.php. It stays inside the namespace DemoPlugin. In addition to the class name DemoPlugin\Bootstrap the Jtl\Connector\Core\Plugin\PluginInterface interface has to be implemented by the class, in order to be detected by the Core. There is no other action needed to register the plugin.


namespace DemoPlugin;

use DI\Container;
use Jtl\Connector\Core\Definition\Action;
use Jtl\Connector\Core\Definition\Controller;
use Jtl\Connector\Core\Definition\Event;
use Jtl\Connector\Core\Event\CategoryEvent;
use Jtl\Connector\Core\Plugin\PluginInterface;
use Noodlehaus\ConfigInterface;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher;

//Every plugin which occurs in the connector/plugins is registered by the connector
class Bootstrap implements PluginInterface
    //Using the registerListener function, provided by the PluginInterface to define when the plugin should call what method
    public function registerListener(ConfigInterface $config, Container $container, EventDispatcher $dispatcher)
        //Using static variables to define the wanted event name which is used to determine when the plugins is called
        $eventName = Event::createEventName(

        $dispatcher->addListener($eventName, [$this, "handle"]);

    public function handle(CategoryEvent $event)
        foreach ($event->getCategory()->getI18ns() as $i18n) {
            $i18n->setName(sprintf("%s_suffix", $i18n->getName()));

In the body of the registerListener() method you have to subscribe the events you want to listen to. The code snipped above shows adding of a category before push event. The first parameter of the addListener() method is the name of the event you want to listen to. The second parameter is a callable function with an event object as argument (event arg).

The event argument contains a main models object, which can be accessed by a getter. In this case $event->getCategory() returns the object. It can be modified in a before event or used like in this example in an after event.

That is basically all you need to know if you want to write a plugin for an endpoint.